It is free to
sign up , post loads, submit quotes, and discuss project requirements. If you choose to award a load to a carrier, we may charge a small fee relative to the value of the selected quote, as an introduction fee. All loads must be paid for through the Loadshift Milestone Payment system to ensure a trusted marketplace for both carriers and shippers.
For Shippers
Loadshift is free to sign up, post a load, receive quotes from transport operators, review the transport operator's profile, and discuss the requirements. All loads must be paid for through the Loadshift Milestone Payment system. When you award the project to a carrier, we charge you a small fee relative to the value of the selected quote as an introduction fee.
A fee of 3.3% or $5.50 AUD (whichever is greater) is levied at the time when you award a load to the carrier. The fees include GST.
To illustrate, let's have a $1000 load. As soon as you award, a fee of $33 will be charged.
For member Carriers
Loadshift is free to sign up, create a profile, select your preferred load types, receive load notifications, discuss load details with the shipper, and quote on loads through the site.
If you are on one of our membership plans, you will be charged discounted fees on your quotes, please check
membership page for details.
For non-member Carriers
Loadshift is free to sign up, create a profile, select your preferred load types, receive load notifications, discuss load details with the shipper, and quote on loads through the site.
If you are awarded a load, upon release of payment, we charge you a small fee relative to the value of the selected quote as an introduction fee. If you are subsequently paid more than the original quote amount, we will also charge the fee on any overage payments.
The fee for loads is 11% or $5.50 AUD, whichever is greater. The fees include GST. If you are registered for GST, you can choose to break down your quote so that it includes GST. You can do that by setting up a sales tax. To illustrate, let's have a load where your quote is $1123.60 AUD. You will be charged a fee of $121 AUD (calculated as 11% of $1123.60). Upon delivery of the load, you will be paid $1000.

If you are not registered for GST, you can choose to quote without seeing the GST breakdown in your quote. To illustrate, let’s have a load where you quote $1000. You will not see any GST breakdown in this case. You will be charged a fee of $110 AUD. Therefore, the net amount paid you will receive in this case is $890 AUD after deduction of the fees. Below is an example of a quote form if you are not registered for GST and quote without enabling the GST breakdown.